"But you said there were people plotting against me. Why else would you be here?" he demanded.

"I deed not say zat zhere vere any number of people. I zed zhat eet zeems zhat vay. Een point of fact zhere eez only one person who does not, how do you zay it, treat you squarely?”

"Who?" he asked in a frantic tone.

"Zink a moment, Mizter Moxtone, and see eef you can't figure eet out for yourself. Who a-round you zeems to you to be zomething less zhan honest. Think, Mizter Moxtone."

I could see that he was thinking, thinking quite hard.

"Eet might even be zomeone who has done zomezhing outwardly beneficial to you," I hinted. "Who has helped you?"

It came to him and his eyes grew wide. He leaned over the table to peak to me in a whisper.

"You mean


I nodded my head. He leaned back with the confirmation of another fear under his belt.

"And are you happier now, Mizter Moxtone? Has her deceit made you one small bit happier?"

His eyes fell again to his drink.

"No," he said. "I'm miserable. I think I was happier in accoun- ting."

I was just about finished with him now. The chemical reaction had been started, it was up to nature now. But before I signed off altogether I had one last thing to say to Moxtone, poor creepy Moxtone.

"One more thing and I must go. Zhere eez more to you zhen meets zhe eye. Zees eez true of everyone. Zhere are powers and strengths vithin you zhat have never been tapped. Look to yourself and do vhat you sink eez right."